Success in Sweden: Swedish Social Democrats win with Movement

Client: Swedish Social Democrats (SSD)

Project: European Elections Campaign 2024

Source: SSD

How the Swedish Social Democrats won with Movement

The Swedish Social Democrats (SSD) faced a critical challenge in the European elections: increasing their vote share and securing a strong mandate. Particularly in a time when extreme right-wing parties were winning big across Europe it was important for progressive voices to be heard. By partnering with Movement and leveraging our phone banking software, the SSD executed a highly effective campaign that significantly increased voter engagement and resulted in a 1.4 percentage point increase in their vote share compared to the 2019 elections. This case study explores how Movement’s solutions were instrumental in the SSD’s electoral success.

Dark times required savvy campaigning techniques

There were a few objectives that were critical for the party going into the European Elections:

  • Remain in European office: As Sweden’s main party it was imperative to remain in European office.

  • Increasing voter engagement: With rising political challenges, such as from the far-right, the SSD needed to boost their voter engagement beyond previous years to win the European elections in Sweden.

  • Effective volunteer mobilisation: They required a system to efficiently manage and maximise the impact of their volunteer force.

  • Data-Driven campaigning: Accurate data collection and analysis were essential to understand voter concerns and tailor campaign strategies effectively.

Enter Movement

Movement provided the SSD with a powerful phone banking software that transformed their voter outreach efforts. Here’s how it worked:

  1. Scalable phone banking: The software allowed a few hundred SSD volunteers to place an impressive 88,635 calls to potential voters across Sweden.

  2. Efficient conversations: Volunteers engaged in over 16,078 meaningful phone conversations, spending more than 860,000 minutes discussing key issues and listening to voter concerns.

  3. Data analytics integration: Every call was meticulously logged into Movement’s secure data analytics platform. This real-time data was crucial for understanding voter sentiment and refining the campaign strategy on the fly.

A fantastic win progressives

Not only did the SSD manage to retain their place in European office, they improved their backing from voters:

  • Vote share: The SSD secured a 24.2% share of the vote, marking a significant 1.4 percentage point increase from the 2019 European elections.

  • Electoral victory: This increase translated into a decisive victory, with the SSD leading by 7.2 points over their nearest competitors.

  • Extended mandate: As a result, the SSD secured an additional five years in European office, underscoring the campaign’s success.

Felt by voters and the party alike

Enhanced Voter Outreach

Movement’s phone banking software empowered the SSD to reach tens of thousands of voters with personalised and persuasive conversations. The depth of engagement achieved through these phone calls was unparalleled and a critical factor in the SSD’s success.

Data-Driven Campaign Adjustments

The integration with Movement’s data analytics platform provided the SSD with actionable insights throughout the campaign. This allowed them to make informed decisions, address voter concerns promptly, and continuously improve their messaging.

Volunteer Efficiency

The platform maximised the efficiency of the SSD’s volunteer efforts, enabling them to make a significant impact despite a relatively small number of volunteers.


The partnership between the Swedish Social Democrats and Movement demonstrates the power of modern technology in electoral campaigns. By utilising Movement’s phone banking software, the SSD not only increased their vote share but also solidified their position in European politics for another term. This case study highlights the transformative potential of Movement’s solutions in achieving electoral success through enhanced voter engagement and data-driven strategies.

Interested in learning more?

Book a call with us to see how we can mobilise your movement using email, SMS, WhatsApp and phones.

This case study showcases the effective use of Movement’s technology in a real-world electoral campaign, underlining the importance of innovative solutions in modern political strategies.


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